ニャックPoan寺 - Neak Poan Temple



12世紀の終わりの前に王ジャヤーヴァルマン7世によって建てられたこの記念碑 - ニャックPoanまたは絡んだナーガは - もマネ製である貯水池の真ん中に建てられたそれぞれの側に350メートルを測定、人工島です。現代の名前、ニャックPoanは、中央聖域のベースを取り囲む蛇をモチーフに由来しています。
ニャックポアンは東と湖の西側に位置タソムとプリヤカーン寺院に同一線上に立っています。 900メートルによって3500メートルを測定容器は、もともとJayatatakaまたは「ジャヤヴァルマンVIIのリザーバー」と呼ばれていました。近代的な名前は、その4つの角のある形がバライ、今日はドライにある王室の油圧プロジェクトから生じていることを認識しているアンコールの住民の集団的歴史的記憶を明らか仔牛リーチDAKまたは「王家の貯水池の平野」、です。
 スタイル:ニャックポアンが5池で設計されました。 72メートルによって72メートルで、中心に1池がありますし、中央の1の周りに配置する他の4つの池がそこにいます。それらのそれぞれは、24メートルによって24メートルです。

中央池:この寺の本殿は、中央の池の真ん中に設計されました。これは、蓮のつぼみの形を有し、そのベースは二つの大きなナーガの彫刻に囲まれています。この神社は東に本当のドアとその壁に仏観音菩薩の他sides.there're数字上の3つのブラインドのドアを持っています。北のドアに仏の姿の頭部が1982年に盗まれた中央神社の各コーナーは、もともと青銅で作られていた上にライオンの銅像ライディングと3頭の象の像を持っていました。 3頭の象の彫像は天の王であるインドラを象徴し、ライオンの像はクベーラ、富の神を象徴しました。 14世紀では、シャムはアンコールの街を征服しました。彼らは、この寺からタイのAryuthaya市にそれらの銅像を取りました。 15世紀に、ビルマはAryuthayaを征服し、彼らはマンダレー市にそれらの銅像を取りました。今日、これらの彫像は、ミャンマーの博物館に残っています。
馬の彫像は:中央神社の前で、離陸人々のグループを運ぶのアクションで、馬の銅像があります。 Balahaと呼ばれるこの馬。 BalahaBudhisatva観音菩薩の生まれ変わりました。この彫像は、仏がそれらを食べたい女性の悪魔によって引き起こされる沈没船からの彼の信者を救うために5頭に飛んで白い馬のように変形伝説の1場面を示しています。

シンボリック:ニャックポアンの中央池はAnavatapata湖を象徴しています。この湖の実際の場所は、ヒマラヤ山の頂上のように信じられていました。 Anvatapata湖温泉水を含んでおり、それはナーガとナギによって保護されていました。伝説によると、Anvatapata湖は、MT-メルと天からのすべての神は、彼らが彼らの毎年の義務を終えた後にお風呂に入るようになった場所でした。



Neak Poan Temple

Date:                                   Built in late twelfth century
Religion:                            Buddhism
King:                                  Jayavarman VII (1181-1221)
Posthumous name:       Mahasangatapada

Built by king Jayavarman VII before the end of the 12th century, this monument - Neak Poan or the entwined naga - is an artificial island, measuring 350 meters on each side, built in the middle of a reservoir which is also man- made. The modern name, Neak Poan, comes from the motif of serpents encircling the base of the central sanctuary.
An inscription notes that it is "a sacred island, drawing its charm from its ponds and clearing away the sins of those who approach it". The ponds in question number four. They were fed by a complex system of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic fountains. The mysterious curative function of its waters was all the more so, given that the myth of the deliverance of a group of shipwrecked
Neak Pean is standing on the same line to Ta Som and Preah Khan temples locating to the east and the west of lake. The reservoir, which measured 3500 meters by 900 meters, was originally called Jayatataka or "the reservoir of Jayavarman VII". Its modern name is Veal Reach Dak or "plain of the royal reservoir", revealing the collective historical memory of the inhabitants of Angkor who are aware that its four cornered form originate from a Baray, a royal hydraulic project which today lies dry.
 Style:Neak Pean was designed with five ponds. There’s one pond in the center which is 72m by 72m, and there’re four other ponds locating around the central one. Each of them is 24m by 24m.

Central pond:the main shrine of this temple was designed in the middle of the central pond. It has a form of a lotus bud and its base is surrounded by two big Naga sculptures. This shrine has a real door to the east and three blind doors on other sides.there’re figures of Buddha Avalokitesvara on its wall. The head of Buddha’s figure to the north door was stolen in 1982. Each corner of the central shrine originally had three headed elephant statue with lion statue riding on top which were made of bronze. A three headed elephant statue symbolized Indra who is a king of heaven, and the lion statue symbolized Kubera, the god of wealth. In the 14th century, Siamese conquered Angkor city.  They took those bronze statues from this temple to Aryuthaya city in Thailand. In the 15th century, the Burmese conquered Aryuthaya, and they took those bronze statues to Mandalay city. Today those statues are still in the museum of Myanmar.
Horse statue:in the front of the central shrine, there’s a horse statue, in an action of taking off, carrying a group of people. This horse called Balaha. Balaha was a reincarnation of Budhisatva Avalokitesvara. this statues shows one scene of a legend, where Buddha transformed as a flying white horse with five heads to rescue his devotees from a sinking ship caused by a female demon who wanted to eat them.

Symbolic:the central pond of Neak Pean symbolizes Anavatapata Lake. The real location of this lake was believed as the top of Himalaya Mountain. Anvatapata Lake contained spring water and it was protected by Naga and Nagi. According to the legend, Anvatapata Lake was a place where all gods from Mt-Meru and heavens came to take a bath after they had finished their yearly duties.

Four other ponds: there’s a sandstone structure at the edge of every small ponds. There’s a head of man, lion, horse, and elephant in those structure symbolizing the four elements.

Drainage and Symbolic:there’s a drainage in each structure symbolizing the four sacred rivers originated from Mt.Himalaya which provided Holy River for Hindu followers. Those Rivers are Ganga River, Brahmaputra River, Jumana River and Induse River. Today those rivers locate in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Before the cleaning ceremony began, the people had to ask the astrologer what element they had, before they cleaned sin and sickness. Then they invited the monks who were holy men to take a small boat to the central shrine to pray to a golden Buddha statue to take holy water. After that, the monk poured holy water into the drainage to run through to head statue to clean a sinner who was sitting under the spout in there. The people who had water element, had to go to this north structure to clean sin by holy water from the elephant mouth. In here, the sinner had to sit on a lotus pedestal and faced out to the north. The east structure had a human head for the people who had earth element. The south structure had a lion head for the people who had fire element. The west structure had a horse head for the people who had wind element.

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